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Distressing Layers Of Chippy Crackled Paint

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Layers of Crackled Paint

Ever painted something more than once? I have. This cedar chest has layers of chippy crackled paint because I’ve painted it 5 times now and it had layers of paint on it when I bought it a few years ago.

black crackled and distressed paint for furniture

The latest paint finish is a pretty black which I distressed so the crackled paint underneath would shine.

green chest with brown paint flecks

This is how the chest looked before painting it this time. I never really posted the full tutorial on this paint job. I was so frustrated because I had a plan that didn’t work out so I went through about 3 plans before getting this look. The paint is pale green and I used my FolkArt Layering Block  and dark brown paint to highlight the details and rough areas from the previous paint jobs.

Boxwood green milk paint

I don’t have any photos of the chest from when I purchased it 7 or 8 years ago. It was very light, almost white and had been painted more than once. I painted it a pale green when I brought it home. I guess I have a thing for green. The photo above shows how I painted the chest  with Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint in Boxwood for it’s third incarnation at our home. The paint chipped in places, which is what it is supposed to do, and the pale green paint shows through.

chippy white milk paint

The photo above shows my fourth paint job. Another MMSMP project color Ironstone. I really love the milk paint but haven’t used it in a while.

Beyond Paint Licorice color

The cedar chest has been used as a coffee table and a toy box at our house. Now I have a new (used) coffee table we bought at an auction and Sofi has outgrown most of the toys so the chest is moving on to another use. The paint for this makeover is Beyond paint in Licorice.

Distressing Layered Crackled Paint

No photos of me painting the chest. I used 100 grit 3M flexible sandpaper (LOVE) to distress the raised details.

Distressing Layers Of Chippy Crackled Paint

I also sanded over the rough layered chippy crackled paint underneath the black. I don’t know what type of paint job they did on the chest before I got it but the paint was not smooth. Then I added to the mess by using chippy milk paint twice.

cedar chest makeover with distressed black paint over green

But the mess was a good mess because the distressed paint looks great.

how to distress painted furniture

All of the places where the paint was crackled shows up nicely. You can see the pale green paint (which looks whitish in places) peeking through here and there.

Cedar Chest with Distressed Layered Crackled Paint

The JTS helped me move the cedar chest back into the house and we set it in the small living room to use as a coffee table.

furniture makeover

It set there for a couple of days and now it’s sitting in our bedroom. We are using it as a catchall…..mainly clothes. Anyone have a catchall thing in your bedroom?

distressing crackle paint project by Petticoat Junktion

We were using an antique trunk in the bedroom but now it’s moved out to the workshop and waiting on a new paint job too. I never really liked how I painted the antique trunk so now is a good time to change it up. I’m always rotating things in the house. Keeps life interesting and drives the JTS crazy. Not really, he has gotten used to my craziness over the years.

Any of you have a piece of furniture that’s been painted more times than you can count? Please share, I can’t be the only one. As usual, thanks for being here. I love you guys. Have a great day, Kathy

Find my favorite diy tools (like flexible sandpaper) and products on the Petticoat Junktion Amazon Page. (Amazon Influencer, Amazon Affiliate, read disclosure here)

Kathy founded her home decor blog Petticoat Junktion in 2011, where she shares tutorials on how to paint furniture and repurpose thrifty finds into unique home décor. Her DIY projects have been featured on the Home Depot Blog, Plaid Crafts, Behr Designer Series, and in numerous magazines.

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  1. Thanks Kathy, I appreciate all the help I can get?

  2. Love the black! I purchased one of the layering blocks at Amazon but am unsure how to use it. Do you have a tutorial on the correct way to distress paint using the block? I have two dressers I need to refinish this summer and wanted a distressed Chippy look on them but a little afraid to begin. Wish you were my neighbor, sure could use the help?

  3. I liked the original lighter green but the black gives the chest a really rich, up-scale look to me. Nice job!

  4. I don’t know if I have one that I’ve painted that many times! ? BUT I am good at forever finding new pieces to replace current ones at estate sales and auction! My Mr. Fixit is really good about that. I’m intrigued with the FolkArt Layering Block. So many times I get a piece that I have to prime and not just shellac or is painted something horrible and I can’t get the distressed look I want. I’ll be ordering one and give it a try! LOVE all your posts and I’m in awe of what you can do!

  5. life is always changing….so why not paint color too….sometimes paint is easier than life….I like the black