18 Latex Painted Furniture Makeovers Distressed And Antiqued To Look Old
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It is easy to paint furniture with latex paint and distress the paint to make it look worn and old. Applying dark wax over the paint will increase the aged look of the paint and is a super easy technique.
I often use several methods on one piece to give it the desired antiqued finish. Any type of wet wipe can be used to distress the latex painted furniture without the mess of sanding with sandpaper.
The wet distress technique also allows for the original stained furniture finish to shine instead of distressing the paint to raw wood using sandpaper.
After viewing these antique furniture pieces painted with latex paint, let me know which one is your favorite. Maybe it is the color that grabs you or the amount of distressing. Let me know! This true antique piece was in bad shape and we had to do a lot of repairs before painting it. I love the details on this unique piece. The vintage dresser was already painted when I found it at my favorite junk shopWhen I found the vintage dresser at my favorite junk shop, it was already painted. I brought it home, distressed the paint heavily, and then waxed it with dark wax. There is just something about spindle beds. The curved details are perfect for distressing. Vintage radio cabinets are favorites of mine. I remove the radio and usually add shelving for storeage. This cabinet was painted and wet distressed for no mess. Wet distressing furniture means you don't have a mess to deal with and the original stained finish can still be seen. For this antiqued piece I used a baby bottle brush to give the paint a "fly speck" look. The top of the cherub table was scarred and needed painting. I dry brushed the metal base. This buffet with hutch is very eye-catching. I love all of the straight lines. When I spotted it at the Nashville Flea Market, it had a very country-style paint job. Painting it black gave it a more classic look. One of the easiest techiniques to antique painted furniture is with dark wax. Just paint the furniture then apply one or two coats of dark wax over the paint. If I can save part of the original stained finish I will. This table is an example of that. The base was in great shape and I just painted and aged the tabletop. The chest of drawers got the works. I distressed the paint, used a toner for aging the paint, and then applied dark wax. Wood trunks and cedar chests with an outdated look will shine when painted. No distrressing for the trunk just a lot of dark wax. Two-tone painted furniture looks very modern,, especially when the details are highlighted with paint. Black furniture is so classy and when you add high contrast knobs the furniture is very modern looking. I very lightly distressed the paint here using an electric sander. Yep, this is one of my best furniture makeovers. I love the way this dresser or buffet turned out. The antique finish is light and bright compared to the original stain. The best thing to do with damaged furniture missing veneer or with a lot of deep scares and dings is to paint and distress it. What about this color? So pretty. Dark wax gives the paint a natural old world finish. The wood contractor's bench was rough and worn so painting and distressing brought out all of the rough edges in a good way. Painted Furniture With Antique or Aged Paint Finishes
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